Delayed reopening - thanks again for your patience

Unfortunately, we have had to take the decision to postpone the opening of our workshops at Links House.  We were due to start on Monday 13th July but following advice today from City of Edinburgh Council, Care Inspectorate and COSLA, we must await national approval from the Scottish Government before adult services can re-open.  This applies to all day service providers throughout Scotland and is not specific just to UpMo.

We are confident that the measures we have in place are safe and will protect our students and staff for when we can finally open our doors.  We hope to move gradually towards a fuller programme of workshops.  We have been in touch directly with those students who were due to start next week, and we have offered alternative support.  A statement from the Scottish Government is expected next week.  We will update you all as soon as we know more.

I know many of you will be disappointed by this news but we are still very excited as we are moving ever closer to bringing the UpMo family back together again soon. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.
