Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership


22 April 2021

Dear all

The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership is responsible for delivering community and bed-based health and social care services for adults in Edinburgh.  One of the many services we offer is caring for adults who need a bit of extra help to live in their own home.

 This is called homebased support, or sometimes care at home. Homebased support can include things like getting washed and dressed, help with medication or preparing meals.

 We work with different organisations in order to provide these services to the people of Edinburgh.

 We want to hear from you

 We are working with providers to collaborate, learn together and work in partnership to transform these critical services for the future.

 And we want everyone that we support, and the people who care for them, to be able to influence how homebased support is delivered. It’s why we’re asking you to take 5 minutes to complete the short survey enclosed, and share:

 ·       your experiences of receiving homebased support or the experiences of the person you care for

·       the benefits support has for you and/or anyone helping to care for you

·       any times where you and / or anyone helping to care for you have felt let down by arrangements or the support received

·       any changes you and / or anyone helping to care for you would like to see in the way support is arranged, or the type of support available

 Please be reassured that these services will continue to be in place. This is just the first of many opportunities for you to shape how these services are delivered in the future. We want to build thriving communities in Edinburgh and embrace the opportunity to create a different type of relationship with citizens, our communities and organisations across the city. 

So how do I get involved?

 If you have any immediate concerns about the care you receive or if the needs of someone you care have changed please contact us at:

 Phone: 0131 200 2324

E-mail: socialcaredirect@edinburgh.gov.uk

We would really appreciate you taking some time to complete our short survey enclosed. It just takes 5 minutes and can be returned for free using the prepaid envelope provided. If you’d prefer to complete the survey online, please follow this link –


 Yours Sincerely,

Judith Proctor

Chief Officer

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership

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